Friday, February 11, 2011

Frosty Morning Fun

Wow!!  Yesterday sure was a frosty morning!!!  It is one of the things that gets me excited about winter.  While heading out to put the kids on the bus, I snapped a couple of pictures around the farm.  It sure was a cold nippy morning too!!  Sometimes it's what keeps you in the fight to make living on the farm all worth it.  As my husband has to work in the city, he doesn't always get to see the beauty that I get to see at those special parts of the day.  In other news, we had a good dumping of snow last week and we tried something new.  My husband took the tractor and snow blowed a path so the kids could get their x-country skis out and not have to wade through the snow.  I think it was the first time too that the little one in the sled wasn't carrying a load of snow :)  It sure adds a lot of weight and you know who is pulling the sure gets tired after that!!  Well I am sure it won't be here too much longer so we will enjoy it while it last as we start heading into March in a couple of weeks and the sap starts to run!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Newest Addition!!

Happy Belated New Year Everyone!  It has been a while but we have been busy getting everything else done.  The picture to my right is of our new charolais heifer.  We don't have a name for her yet but Ethan seems to like to call her Olivia??? She is suppose to have a name beginning with 'X' but Ethan doesn't know any 'X' names and to be truthful, neither do I.  The baby book that my husband wishes that I throw out doesn't have much either.  I wish it was a lot warmer out as you can see she is quite dirty and I would like to hose her off but that will have to wait till it warms up.  In the meantime, we are still getting to know her and she us.  She has a fairly quite temperment but will let you know right away if you are doing something she doesn't like.  Unlike my Dexters, she eats and drinks twice as much but she is also a larger breed and has a whole other purpose than the Dexters.  Willow and Whisper are still letting her know that she is last in line for everything, especially when it comes to grain time!!