Monday, August 2, 2010

Wonderful Day at the Market

I did our first market day on Saturday!!  Quite an experience.  It was steady all morning and I even managed to make some sales.  Not too bad for the new kid on the block :)  I met some interesting people and got some great new ideas for next week!  You are never to old to learn that's for sure.  I had to take food home, but that's ok cause it will just fill up the freezer some more.  Our chicken enjoyed some leftover lettuce and a couple of beets.  It will make them that much more tasty.  Our first round of meat birds will be ready to go Aug 17th.  So if you would like some let me know and I will reserve one or two for you :)


  1. Jacinda, you can put a couple of birds away for me when I come up to the area after the 17th! I've got my name on a duck this week around here! Nice to know farmers and pick up the food where its grown!

  2. Thanks Andria! I will keep a couple aside for you.
