Thursday, August 26, 2010


We finally have a new date set for our chickens. Sept 2nd is the new processing date. These ones will average between 2 to 6 lbs. They will be $3.00/lb. If you would like them fresh let me know ahead of time and I will keep aside for you otherwise they will be frozen! My second batch will be going on Sept 20th and will be in the 6 to 10lb range. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting the Old Chicken Layer Box Ready

It is amazing how much a good cleaning with the pressure washer can make something really old look new again.  This is the old chicken layer that has been in the shed collecting dust.  This hasn't been used in about 50 years as I am 35 this year and I know it wasn't used in my life time.  As we have more layers this year we decided to finally get this ready for them.  There will be some modifications to it as I can't get this into where my layer are going to go but it is something we don't have to build from scratch.  Now only if we can keep it looking this good!! But alas it will only happen when it gets cleaned out every year. 

On another note,  I had a good friend, her mom and my goddaughter Pam come and stay for the weekend.  It started out not too bad but the rain didn't stay away this weekend!!  Always seems to happen when we get visiters!!  We still had a great time and my friend Andria helped out at the market!!  It definitely made the rainy day go fast and we had some good chats with customers and with ourselves!!   I don't have a tent cover for my stand this year so we had a slogan to attract customer!!  "Invest in the Tent" weekend.

We were suppose to get our first set of chicken proccessed this past week, however due to someone's (me) rushing day, I forgot to tack down the roof of the chicken tractor and all the chicken escaped on my husband!!  This has been postponed and I will let you know the next processing date!  We definitely learned that I should have sent my husband with the kids to swim lessons!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Market Day

Here is my display of veggies at the Renfrew Market.  It was really quite cool out this particular morning and we tried to keep warm till the sun came out.  There was a really good turn out and we met a lot of new people and saw some good friends as well.  My son Caden came along to experience the market scene and help me out.  We also turned it into a fun math lesson as he did most of the money handling.  He learned the lost skill of counting money backwards to hand customers their change.  Many commented how people don't do this anymore as everything has gone electronic!  I don't think he realized how much work goes into getting everything ready.  By 11:00 am I could see the drooping eyes and how slow he had got.  Good thing for afternoon nap :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


We were out early one morning an thought to take some pictures of our sunflower patch....we happened to catch our two dexter heifers in the background.  These were planted to help with the winds we get out here and to help keep the garden areas warmer.  We only did two little rows, so I think next year we will have to expand on it to go around the gardens.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wonderful Day at the Market

I did our first market day on Saturday!!  Quite an experience.  It was steady all morning and I even managed to make some sales.  Not too bad for the new kid on the block :)  I met some interesting people and got some great new ideas for next week!  You are never to old to learn that's for sure.  I had to take food home, but that's ok cause it will just fill up the freezer some more.  Our chicken enjoyed some leftover lettuce and a couple of beets.  It will make them that much more tasty.  Our first round of meat birds will be ready to go Aug 17th.  So if you would like some let me know and I will reserve one or two for you :)