It's about time for an update, as I have been pretty lax on keeping the blog current over the winter ! We had a pretty uneventfully winter up until the heifers calved.
Woodpecker that comes around once and a while. |
At the end of January, Whisper and Willow calved. Both of them had little bull calves! It's so nice to have babies on the farm and what an experience for the kids and for us. I have seen many a cow birth but for my husband and kids, this was their first. We don't have names yet and I will have to get on that soon!
Pretty foggy morning, |
Whisper had hers first. We knew she was going soon and I had to work at 4pm, but I figured she would go in the middle of the night so I wasn't so worried as I knew I'd be home. Well we had gone in for lunch and a bit of a rest after working outside most of the morning. We finally decided to get back to work but I was delayed in getting out there, so my DH went out and thought he would go check the girls for me. I'm about to come downstairs when I hear the door crash open and DH yelling, "Where's the camera...she's having her calf, I see feet!!". I rush to get out there to check on her....this is my first calf on my own as I hadn't done this since I was a teen, and I was just praying that the feet are the right way!! Luckily they were, so now it was to wait and pray everything else went right. DH got the kids and they came and went, as they are kids, and nothing was happening, but they came back in time to see it all happen!! Everything went fine and she was an awesome mama! Started licking him vigorously right away to get him clean and moving. He was a little slow in standing but in about 1/2 hour in he was licked clean and standing trying to suck. She was a little unsure and wasn't standing to let him suck but by this time I had to get ready to go to work. I figured I'd let them get use to each other and left them alone. After work I headed out to the barn and gave her a little grain as she still wasn't standing still for him, but it seemed to do the trick and I was able to see him suck!
Whisper's calf. He is 2 months old. |
When it was Willow's turn. She calved a couple of days later and I knew she was going to calve that day, so I kept checking every couple of hours...and nothing. My last check was when I went to get the kids off the bus and to have supper. I went in to check at around 6pm and heading out to the barn one of them was bawling and bawling....I get in there and it's Whisper and there was a calf in Willow I thought her calf got in with Willow. Looked in Whisper's pen and her calf is sucking away!!! Well sneaky Willow had her calf when I wasn't looking. It took him a little longer and was a little disorientated at trying to milk mom's neck... but we got him sorted out and he's doing well!!
Willow's calf. He is about 2 months old here. |
We are also waiting on our Charolais heifer to calve. We didn't think our Dexter bull did anything but apparently he managed to breed her!! So one more calf to go and we will be done for this year! I am thinking in the next couple of weeks as she is just starting to show signs.
We also took on a bottle calf to feed. This is a new experience for us and it is going really well, so we will probably pick up a couple more!!
The little starter greenhouse I have in the house is now full of little sprouts and new seeds. Hopefully the nights get a little warmer as I need to move some out to it so I can get more started!! This year we are going to try and do 3 Farmers' Markets. Renfrew, Eganville and Deep River. I am still unsure of Deep River as I still have to work out the logistics of it. But I am sure we will get everything figured out.
This is Baby....I am sure he won't be that for long. He is
our bottle calf. |